Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Miracle Angel Baby

Okay, so I think it's safe for me to say that Dylan is turning out to be my "angel" baby. This is no reflection on me. I believe this is luck of the draw. I also believe this pertains only to the infant stage, no promises for future angelness (just made that word up).

The no crying thing has turned into a reflection of his general state of laid backness. He wakes up and grunts at you and then will cry if not attended to within a reasonable amount of time. He still only cries when he is ignored for too long or is really hurt. Unfortunately, he had an incident with a Thomas the Tank Engine train hitting him in the head for us to realize this. Zach literally decided to throw the train out of the clear blue and it managed to land squarely on Dylan's forehead. He let out a big wail and it managed to just leave a little red mark for a day or so. Zach felt terrible and so did I. I wasn't aware I should create a forcefield around him to protect him from Zach. But part of me was relieved to know he did cry at appropriate times. Zach did immediately run to the freezer and get the little kid ice pack for Dylan's head. He knows from experience what to do with those Owees.

Tonight I realized the ease of putting this baby to bed. We literally have put him in a dark quiet room in his car seat (he doesn't like laying completely flat) all swaddled up and his pacifier and he will just drift off to sleep on his own. What a beautiful thing! It doesn't work every time, but a lot of the times it does. I remember with Zach we would walk around the room bouncing him around or shushing him to get him to stop crying and close his eyes. The minute we would think he was asleep and lay him down - the eyes would come open and he'd start crying. We'd start all over again completely exhausted. Please God let Dylan remain this laid back forever! (It can't hurt to ask, right?)

The sad thing going on right now is the Baby Acne. GASP! It's so sad to look at. He's got little acne all over his face. It's not the little white bumps that all babies get at birth. Those have faded and now they are red acne marks all over. Again, it's my fault. The mother's hormones pass through to the baby at the end of pregnancy. See, it's always the mother's fault. Get use to it, right? They say it should clear up by the time he's 6 months old....really?!?! Surely, it should be sooner than that. Luckily, it's not that severe and seems to have stopped getting any worse. Oh well, it's just appearances and doesn't hurt him. We shall carry on!

1 comment:

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Oh, I HATED the acne. I found that Cetaphil sort of worked, and next is the cradle cap. He's so perfect, though- I'm sooooo glad, and I can't wait to meet, well, both of them, actually!!!

Please tell Zachy that he's doing a really great job at being a big brother!!!

NOTHING is your fault, pal- you are doing a really great job, too!