Sunday, October 5, 2008

Thank you!

I'm not sure how to begin this post except to say, "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." Craig and I have received such an outpouring of love and support over the last week that we feel truly blessed. I have NO doubt that all the prayers are the reason we've seen such dramatic improvement in Dylan.
Warning: I'm about to get on my soapbox.
My faith was first tested and then renewed and stregthened by the events of this week. When things were at their worst, laying on the table wondering what was going to happen to my baby all I could do was pray. There was nothing left for me to do except give it to God and I did. Although I was extremely emotional throughout the week and brought to tears many times (and still am). I never lost a deep seeded feeling that everything was going to be fine. I can NOT explain this unfound sense of peace that I have felt all week other than God holding me tight. I would get nervous about a test result but when they would say, "it looked good." I just felt like, yes, that's what you're suppose to say. All week I told Craig, things are going to be okay. I never felt once Dylan wouldn't make dramatic improvements. When I did start to think about the "what if's", I was reassured that I would get through that too. Some how. Some way. I also wonder how I would act if things had gone a different way, but quickly decide not to dwell on that and just look to the future. I truly believe God has worked a miracle in Dylan's recovery and my ability to deal with this event.

With all that said, everyone's prayers were also a powerful part of that faith. We had so many people praying for us that I'm sure I felt the power of that too. Thank you! Thank you for the emails with such kind, powerful and encouraging words for Craig and me. We again feel truly blessed.

Finally, lots of people have said, "Let us know if we can help." I've often said this to friends when they are going through a tough time. I never know how to help, but really want to be able to offer some support. Most of you are far away, so help with Zach, Dylan or meals is just not possible. I've been doing a lot of thinking and want to extend a way that we would really appreciate your help. We have been staying at the Ronald McDonald house since Wednesday. It has been the best thing for us. Zach can come visit and have a place to play while we hang out with him. It's hard to get him to leave the great playroom and playground outside. He calls Ronald...Mr. Donald and thinks he's from Old MacDonald. We can get to the hospital in literally 5 mins, including parking and walking in. It's inexpensive ($10 a night) and we have a fridge, coffee maker, stove, etc at our disposal. We've also seen many other families here with longer stays ahead of them and probably a tougher budget situation than Craig and me. It's really a great service to this community. With that said, if you'd like, we would love if you made a donation in honor of Dylan to the Ronald McDonald House of the Four States.

Here's the address to send any donation and please note Dylan Ward on the memo line.
Please contact us at:
Ronald McDonald House of the Four States
PO Box 2688
Joplin, MO 64803
3402 S. Jackson
Joplin, MO 64804
Phone: (417) 624-CARE
Fax: (417) 624-0270

Again, thank you!
Keep scrolling if you're looking for the update on Dylan's condition.

1 comment:

The Browns said...

Oh Jill - he looks WONDERFUL! Just like an absolute perfectly healthy newborn. He's gorgeous!

I loved this post and am so thankful that God did just what He promises to do - hold us tight when we need it. One of my favorite verses in the bible talks about that unfounded peace you felt -

Philippians 4:6-7
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

I'll continue to pray for all of you and can't wait for you to bring your precious baby home!

God Bless!
