Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This is just a funny story I have to write down before I forget.

For a little history, Craig's Dad calls Zach "Meatball". Don't ask me why, but more or less because it drives Zach crazy. He normally says in a very irritated tone, "I not Meatball, I Zachy."

During one of the days at the hospital while Zach was staying with Craig's parents, Craig and Zach went on a walk around the halls to catch up and bond a little. Zach turns to Craig and says, "Daddy, you my best friend." Craig asks, "Oh, why's that?" Zach replies, "You no call me Meatball."

I laughed so hard, it hurt my stitches! :)


The Browns said...


Princess Sparkle Pants said...

I need more information!!! I'm suffering from severe Dylan and Zachie update withdrawel!!