Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Scary Dream

One of the things I wanted to accomplish was writing down the "firsts" and cute things that Zach and now new baby will be doing.
This week was a first for Zach. He had his first bad/scary dream. He's only been in his "big boy bed" for about a week now. The other night I heard him scream so loud that my heart stopped and I jumped out of bed before I realized what was happening. When I got to him, I thought he'd gotten his leg caught in the little guard we'd put up around his bed. No, he wasn't stuck but was crying. After getting him somewhat calmed down and asking what was wrong, he told me that it was a bad dream. Was it a monster chasing him? No, the terrifying dream that had him screaming was about a pizza that had been chasing him in the kitchen. There was pizza everywhere and he couldn't get it off his feet. The next morning when we went downstairs he showed me the scene of the crime in his dream. He said, "It was on my feet and on the step and all over. It made a big mess." I guess we should layoff the deliveries for awhile.

1 comment:

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Awww, poor Zach! I think it's funny that his first scary dream was pizza... but remember how weird stuff could be shocking when you were little, in dreams? My recurring kid-nightmare was set in the mall, for Pete's sake. Oh, wait... I'm still afraid of the mall... We want to hear more about the pending bedrest! Gack! Details, please...