Thursday, August 14, 2008

Blogging Addictive?

So I've been told this will be addictive and yet, I've started this blog. My main reason is to write down all the things that I "mean to" write down and never get a chance to do. I'm always online so this should make it easier, right? I'm just practicing this for now to see what this looks like and how it works. I want to post some pics and possibly video if I can figure it out.

The possible start of bedrest makes me think I'll have time to play around with this too. More on that later...

Okay, I'll try and post a recent video of Zach and see how that works.

So far this seems easier than that diary I wrote in 7th grade for a week!


Amanda Wells said...

Super Cute!!! I love it!

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Oh, crap! I forgot it was your birthday!!! But, thanks, little buddy, for reminding me! This is sooo cute, I'm so glad you are doing this.