Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Appendectomy

Okay, so I'm finally feeling well enough to write about the appendectomy, or appy as they call it on Grey's Anatomy. :) It's really not that great of a story, but I'm okay with that. I had been feeling a weird soreness on my lower right side. I was chalking it up to starting to do some ab work after the c-section and it was just oddly sore on one side. Later, I thought, maybe I was getting an ovarian cyst. Nothing to be too concerned about since a)I've had one before and b) there's nothing they can do for them unless you are in real pain. Thursday night I thought I was getting a fever from a cold that was coming on, but no fever just weird chills. Friday morning I woke up with specific pain on my right side. Again it wasn't bad, but I thought it could be a cyst that was getting worse or maybe it could be my appendix (no, surely it's not that). Since it was Friday and I hate having things happen on weekends, I decided to go to our Urgent Care and have a doctor take a look at it to be safe. My mother-in-law was kind enough to watch the boys for me.
The doc examines me and I actually tested positive for a urinary tract infection. AAAh, that must be it, I thought. To be safe and again with the weekend, she wanted me to get a CT scan at the hospital to rule out the cyst or appendix. She said some of my tests she did could be appendix. I thought I was being silly, but just to be sure I'd get the scan. I got the scan and they let me go back to Urgent Care - I thought they would have kept me if it was my appendix, but they did check I was going back to the doc. Craig was kind enough to have come over from work so he drove me back to Urgent Care. I was a little more uncomfortable and getting nauseated, but I hadn't eaten and was tired, so still thinking I'd just go home and rest some. Anyway, yes, the scan showed appendicitis and I had to go back to the hospital, get prepped and have surgery. What?!?!? Craig and I were both surprised.
I got prepped, made sure I wasn't getting ketamine (the drug from Dylan's delivery) and off to surgery I went. This time was much better going under the anesthetic. It was super quick and the recovery at the hospital was much easier than the c-section. I went home in 24 hours and Craig nursed me back to health. Recovery at home was kind of crummy and harder than I thought since the first 24 hours went so well. I'm doing much better now and just a little sore if I stand too long or pick up things to heavy.
The biggest bummer is that I think I've weaned Dylan without really planning on it. Between being away from him for 24 hours and then being so drugged I didn't want to nurse, it happened. I'm pretty much a well run dry and he s ipretty much happy to suck back a bottle of formula. I can't decide how I feel. I wasn't ready for this so soon and formula is SOOOO expensive. :) It also makes him feel less of a baby for me. Zach was 9 months before we weaned and it was gradual so I had time to get use to the idea. Hmm, now I'm wondering, is this the last of breastfeeding for me forever if we don't have another baby? But part of me is relieved to not have to worry about what I'm eating or drinking and have some freedom. I think it will be fine in the end. Of course, you know what comes next...solid foods. Hmm, I'm not really looking forward to baby food like I was with Zach. With Zach it was this new thing that we were going to experience. With Dylan, I know that feeding him baby food is time consuming and messy! Oh well, let's just pray for no food allergies and that it will be a boring process of introducing new foods.

1 comment:

The Browns said...

I had no idea!! I don't know where I've been (all caught up in my own little pretend celebrity world I suppose), but sorry I missed this. Hope you're feeling better!!