Wednesday, December 3, 2008

3 year olds are GREAT!

Zach is turning 3 on Saturday and I'm finding myself laughing at the things that come out of his mouth on a daily basis. He is just so sweet and kind right now. (Yes, he has his moments of tantrums and talking back, but today the sweet outweigh those.)

First, we received great news about Dylan (will share more in another post) and called to update the grandparents. Craig's Mom, Chris, was watching Zach for us while we were in Springfield with Dylan. Zach was in the car with her when we told her the good news. She later told us that when she got off the phone he said he was excited that Dylan was okay. He must have heard the excitement in her voice. I also think he really remembers Dylan in the hospital and having "the tubes". He didn't like seeing his baby brother like that and doesn't want him to have to go back to the hospital. I just think he has such a big heart and is so caring for his little brother. Yes, I know he will "hate" him when he's taking his toys and getting his attention, but for now it's great to watch him love on him so much.

Second, the birthday cake for school. Let me begin by saying that I'm not in the running for mother of the year (but hey, there's always 2009!). Craig reminds me tonight that tomorrow will have to be the day to take cake to school for Zach's birthday. Crap. I had to run to the store at 8:00 to see what I could find for cupcakes, cake, etc. To add to the complication, I don't know how many kids are in his class. The kid working at the bakery loved me when I said I needed a cake for tomorrow. I ended up finding a cookie cake with green icing. I just asked the kid to remove the plastic little margarita glass charms and the "cheers" charms. Add "Happy Birthday Zach" and some clowns and POOF you have a preschoolers dream - take that Martha Stewart! I am my mother's daughter. Anyway, I came home as Zach was finally getting down to bed and told him that he could take the cake tomorrow to school. The look on his face was priceless. He was so excited, he clapped his hands together and said, "oh, yeah." There is nothing better than the innocent excitement of a 3 year old and their birthday! I love it!

Third, just for the record. He officially watched his first showing of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on CBS. It was scary though and he hid under the coffee table and watched it through gaps in his fingers. I never realized how scary the big snow monster was when I watched it. Now the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, that I remember.

Loving my 3 year old today and just want to eat him up! Oh, also loving that tomorrow I get to watch his class sing Happy Birthday and help with cake. Staying home is such a blessing on days like these.

1 comment:

Princess Sparkle Pants said...

Ohh, I'm so jealous!!! I haven't ever done the cake-at-preschool thing. C-luv is not quite ready for the Christmas specials (I think our year will be next year), but he, like his "cousin" Zachy, does entertain me pretty much constantly. I love little boys.

And for me it was the hourglass scene. I still shiver thinking about it!!