Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Christmas Train

As I've been living in Pittsburg longer, I am finding some new things to do that are pretty cool. The newest thing being the Christmas train. Craig mentioned it offhandedly the other night and I immediately decided that we needed to see this "Christmas train". Zach and I packed up and left Craig and Dylan at home to stay in the warmth. We were so lucky it was a relatively warm night since you have to wait outside the train for awhile to get in to see Santa. Zach was pretty excited about seeing Santa. I was a little nervous that he would be scared of the big man in the red suit, but he was okay b/c he brings him presents, I guess. Although he didn't get to sit in his lap, he did get to yell, "Hi, Santa!" I took some pics and video of the train. It's really neat and free for everyone for the night. The best quote of the evening was as we were leaving. The train plays Christmas music and it was playing Here Comes Santa Claus and the last line is "cause Santa Claus comes tonight." Zach turns and looks at me and says, "Santa Claus comes tonight?" No, Zach not tonight, he comes on Christmas Eve. Bummer.

Zach is 3!

Zach is now officially 3. It's taken me awhile to post this because of all the Christmas craziness going on. He had a week long birthday extravaganza. It started with Chuck E. Cheese with my parents in Indiana while we were there for Thanksgiving. Zach really kind of lucks out with having the birthday close to Thanksgiving but far enough away from Christmas to kind of work it into a month long presentfest. Too bad the rest of the year sucks because he doesn't have any other present events. Oh well, you can't have it all. :) He loved Chuck E Cheese and had a ball riding the little rides and playing the games and of course, picking out the little crap they give you at the end with your tickets you "won". His birthday at school went off okay despite my lack of preparation for his cake. On Saturday his actual birthday we decorated the house for Christmas and opened his presents from Craig and me. His reaction was less than enthusiastic. I thought he would love whatever we got him, but he doesn't deal with change well. I bought a different set of bowling pins than the ones he had seen at the store. These were wooden instead of plastic and he cried, "These not the ones." Really?!?!? Hmm, next he opened a little keyboard that he calls the "can-piano" I don't know why? But it wasn't exactly like the big piano he had played the week before at my great aunt's house so it was "wrong" too. Hmm, onto the guitar that he absolutely was dying to have. That was a hit except he played it for about 3 mins before declaring that it was too hard and he wanted more. Again, really?!?! I then tried to discuss the idea of appreciating what you have and not looking for more. Not at all sure you get that concept when you are 3. Anyway, he does like the toys now so that's good. I have video of this event and he will hate that I bring it up for years to come.
Finally, we had birthday with Craig's family. More fun presents and the highlight - the Spiderman cake. Another rookie mistake on my part- should have planned ahead and not spent $25 on a kids cake. (When you promise a Spiderman cake, make sure you know that the local supermarkets can in fact make a Spiderman cake.) Although, he did love it more than any of his presents so it may have been worth it in the end. And the white cake was fabulous. I'll attach some photos of the cake. I took a ton b/c it cost $25. Did I mention it cost $25? :)
Happy Birthday to my favorite oldest son! We love you buddy!

The Cake - Notice the Green wall -had to request that just for Zach...loves the green
Family pic - please imagine this just arrived in the mail with Merry Christmas from the Wards!

My Guitar Hero and again, the cake...

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Dylan - 2 months

Can you believe it's been 2 months already!?!?

Yesterday was his normal pediatrician appointment and he did great. He weighed 12 lbs 4oz, 23 inches long and his head measured 15 1/2 (cm's I think?). His weight and height are 50th percentile and his head is measuring 50th by his pediatrician and 60th based on the neurologist - so accurate?!?!? :) The pediatrician was excited that he was already rolling over and holding his head up well on his tummy. She did notice he didn't have great head control when you pull him up from the table from his back. But nothing too concerning at this point. He got his shots and CRIED a lot...probably more than Zach did with his shots. It's so sad, but again a relief for me - normal is good!

Today we drove to Springfield for his neurologist appt. We had to have an EEG prior to the appointment so he couldn't sleep on the way there. It's about 2 hours away and I didn't do very well keeping him awake. I used cold wet wipes and everything but he was pretty tired. We did manage to keep him up for about an hour before the test. They explained that the brain reacts differently when it hasn't had rest. If your child is older you have to keep them up all night prior to the EEG. What a nightmare! They attached 24 electrodes to his tiny little head by rubbing an exfoliant to his head and then adhesive. Finally, they put tape around his head to keep them in place. I then had to hold him for 20 mins or so while he slept and they flashed strobe lights and watched his brain activity. He slept through the whole thing. I'd say the worst part was taking off all the electrodes and watching his little baby hair get pulled out with the tape. Torture. We immediately got to go to the doc and get the results. His EEG looks good! Good, they said. Not pretty good, but we'll keep an eye on it, just good. I'm thrilled. He can come off his drugs and we don't have to go back for 4 months. The only bummer is you have to taper slowly off the phenobarbital and it's going to take 3 months to taper off. But hey, it's still great news no matter how you look at it! The neurologist also noticed the head control thing, but said not to worry too much about it. He said that's very typical in a child who experienced what Dylan has.
My parents friend, Tina, who works with little ones and physical therapy gave us some exercises to work with him. THANKS TINA! So we'll probably start trying those a little to help his neck muscles along a little.
The best part is he's cooing and smiling a lot. It's just melts my heart and makes me feel so blessed for all that we've come through. I told Craig tonight that I'm just amazed that in two months we went from an EEG that showed "little charge or brain activity" to "looks good". The brain is so amazing! AMEN! What a great Christmas season we are having!

3 year olds are GREAT!

Zach is turning 3 on Saturday and I'm finding myself laughing at the things that come out of his mouth on a daily basis. He is just so sweet and kind right now. (Yes, he has his moments of tantrums and talking back, but today the sweet outweigh those.)

First, we received great news about Dylan (will share more in another post) and called to update the grandparents. Craig's Mom, Chris, was watching Zach for us while we were in Springfield with Dylan. Zach was in the car with her when we told her the good news. She later told us that when she got off the phone he said he was excited that Dylan was okay. He must have heard the excitement in her voice. I also think he really remembers Dylan in the hospital and having "the tubes". He didn't like seeing his baby brother like that and doesn't want him to have to go back to the hospital. I just think he has such a big heart and is so caring for his little brother. Yes, I know he will "hate" him when he's taking his toys and getting his attention, but for now it's great to watch him love on him so much.

Second, the birthday cake for school. Let me begin by saying that I'm not in the running for mother of the year (but hey, there's always 2009!). Craig reminds me tonight that tomorrow will have to be the day to take cake to school for Zach's birthday. Crap. I had to run to the store at 8:00 to see what I could find for cupcakes, cake, etc. To add to the complication, I don't know how many kids are in his class. The kid working at the bakery loved me when I said I needed a cake for tomorrow. I ended up finding a cookie cake with green icing. I just asked the kid to remove the plastic little margarita glass charms and the "cheers" charms. Add "Happy Birthday Zach" and some clowns and POOF you have a preschoolers dream - take that Martha Stewart! I am my mother's daughter. Anyway, I came home as Zach was finally getting down to bed and told him that he could take the cake tomorrow to school. The look on his face was priceless. He was so excited, he clapped his hands together and said, "oh, yeah." There is nothing better than the innocent excitement of a 3 year old and their birthday! I love it!

Third, just for the record. He officially watched his first showing of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on CBS. It was scary though and he hid under the coffee table and watched it through gaps in his fingers. I never realized how scary the big snow monster was when I watched it. Now the flying monkeys in the Wizard of Oz, that I remember.

Loving my 3 year old today and just want to eat him up! Oh, also loving that tomorrow I get to watch his class sing Happy Birthday and help with cake. Staying home is such a blessing on days like these.