Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Dylan and Zach isms

I always like to observe things that my kiddos do - little things that maybe only their mom and dad know about them. These are also things that they may grow out of, or not and I want to remember them. Some cute, some not...

  • Scratches his head very intently with his right hand. Mostly when he's tired. It's one of his sleepy cues.
  • Cracks up at all things Zach. LOVES his big brother.
  • Smiles when you go to get him out of his crib...rarely is he crying in the morning
  • ALWAYS scratches his face with his nails - no matter how much I clip and/or file them
  • Rolls across the floor now and loves trying to scoot on the hardwood floors
  • All his hair has fallen out and now is trying to grow back a little lighter maybe
  • Looks a lot like his brother, but is built very differently - is longer and not as round as Zach was at his age - head is smaller than Zach's
  • Gestures for emphasis when he's talking
  • Calls Craig and me by our first names when he's really serious and wants our attention
  • Great facial expressions especially his eyes
  • Very sweet and caring little boy - he doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings
  • Is thinking all the time and things will just pop out of his mouth when he's thinking about them. i.e. something about school in the middle of dinner when no one's been talking about school at all
  • 100% boy - loves cars, space ships, trains, animals, etc.

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