Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dylan Dialogue

I forgot. 12-24 months is all about speech acquisition. Not only is Dylan working on saying any and every word he can, he is also learning all about non-verbal communication. He is a huge "nodder."
"Dylan, do you want to go to bed?" He's curled up in my lap, rocking in a quiet, dark room with his pacifier in and his blanket all curled up.
He will shake his head no.
"Do you want to rock with mommy?"
Nod yes.
It's really cute and I love it! :)

He can point to most of his body parts when you ask him "Where's your...?" questions. He likes his tummy and he's learning knees and elbows right now. He also can tell you a lot of animals and what they "say". He really likes cow and duck sounds too. I asked him today, "What does a mommy say?" He put his fingers to his lips and made the shushing sound. Not that I do that a lot, but in the Wheels on the Bus song the Mommy on the bus says sh, sh, sh.

Another cute little story about language never know how much they understand until something like this and then it's an ah ha moment of realization.
We were playing with some coins in a jar on the floor. Dylan was picking them up and pushing them around on the carpet. I kept saying, "Dylan, put them in here." He would take the penny and look like he was putting it in his ear. He kept doing this and I couldn't figure out what in God's name was making him try and put a penny in his ear. Until I realized what I was saying. "Dylan, put them in "HERE". Not put them in your "EAR"."
Too funny...he was just doing what he thought he heard me say. I can just imagine him thinking, "not sure why she wants me to put it in my ear, but okay." :) Once I said it clearly and showed him - not "in your ear, but in here." He did it. I'm sure he was thinking, that makes more sense lady! :)

One more funny 18 month story.
He loves being tickled and has such an infectious laugh that we love tickling him. His toes, his tummy and under his chin are sure fire ways to get a giggle. The other day I was tickling him in the kitchen. (Which can be scary because he'll fall to floor laughing and it's hard ceramic tile in there!) Anyway, he was laying on the floor laughing and I stop tickling because I'm always afraid he can't catch his breath or it's not fun anymore (if you have an older sibling, you know it can cross a line quickly). So I stopped. He finally caught his breath and then pulled up his shirt pointed to his belly and said, "Mo, Mo". He was ready for More! Absolutely adorable!

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