Sunday, February 21, 2010

Zach quote

Okay, I'm not sure if this will be as cute when I write it down, but it made me kind of snicker at the time. One of my mom tactics to get Zach going when he's whining or not wanting to change gears to a new activity is to make it a game. Usually it involves the phrase, "I bet I can do it faster than you can." To which, I usually get a mad dash for clothes to put on, teeth to brush, shoes, etc. The other day I was on the computer doing some "important" email I'm sure. Zach was begging (whining) for me to play Mario with him on the Wii. I kept saying, in a minute, in a minute. After about 10 mins of laying on my lap and whining while I feverishly typed away, he looks at me and with this fake excited voice (similar to mine when appropriate) he says, "I bet I can get there fasser!" He won. I got up and went to play Mario. How can you resist that?

1 comment:

Amanda Wells said...

He is just too smart! That is what we love about him!