Friday, October 30, 2009

Dylan's First Steps - 10/26/2009

Dylan waited to walk until the day before he turned 13 months. He was about 2 weeks behind Zach's first steps. I was a little concerned, but not too worried. I could tell he had it together he just wasn't "ready" to walk. The biggest difference between the two boys was their style of preparation. Zach would hold on to your hands and walk for a really long distance. He would want to do it for so long that you would literally have to lean him back to force him to sit down. Otherwise, he would just hold on and never let go. Dylan, on the other hand, rarely wanted to walk while you held his hands. He preferred to walk behind a push toy or step stool and scoot his way around. He also started just standing up in the middle of the room by himself and not need any support, but also not take any steps. I kept saying, Dylan is just going to stand up on his own and walk. Right before I did this video, Craig and I were trying to get him to take some steps between the two of us. He refused, buckled his knees and crawled. The minute we turned away and stopped paying attention to him, he started trying to stand and take steps. I ran and got the video camera because I could tell he was close. Sure enough, he just started walking. This video is literally 5 mins after his first steps. He went from 1 step to 5 steps in a matter of minutes. Zach took his first steps and then we didn't see him walk again for another week. Dylan wasn't ready to unveil his skill until he knew he was ready! :)
Another proud moment for the parents of Dylan Ward!

Stats from his last Dr's appt:
(will get measurements soon, but these are percentiles for now)
25th percentile for height (better than 5th)
25th percentile for weight
75th percentile for head circumference (my, I have big headed boys!)

Fun little notes about Dylan at 13 months:
  • His favorite word is "ba" for ball. Halloween was challenging, every pumpkin was "ba. ba. ba." Our trip to Hobby Lobby down the pumpkin decoration aisle was hysterical. Ba. Dylan, that's a pumpkin. Ba. Ba. Leaning out of the cart trying to throw the ba's.
  • He says Uh oh really cute. It's uh...pause. ooh....pause. Very clearly and very separate. Still trying to get it on tape. He uses it in the right context too.
  • He loves wrestling with his big brother and Dad. Although, I get a lot of love in the form of pushing me over on the floor too.
  • He gives great hugs and his learning to give kisses too. He hugs all of us and even his stuffed animals.
  • Dylan loves being outside and cries every time we come in from the car and go through the garage without riding his little push toy bike.
  • I hear he is really good with the other babies in his daycare class. They always tell me he is such a good and happy baby.
  • He also loves animals. Our cat, Kitty or Buster (whichever you'd like to call him/her), Craig's parents dog, Sugar and any other dog we pass on the street...he even was calling to the squirrels in the backyard today.

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