Friday, June 26, 2009

Guilt Post

Okay, every time I hang out with my friend Christel, I feel like a blog slacker. Add that to the fact that I took some fun pics of Dylan yesterday and of course, here I am updating my blog.

Dylan has been busy crawling everywhere he can manage. I forgot how fast they can crawl, especially when they shouldn't be going there. He's also mastered pulling himself up on everything and he's even attempted to push a little footstool around the kitchen. He just gets 1 or 2 steps, but it scares me to think he'll be trying to walk soon. (Scare, in a good way.) His little personality just keeps developing a little more every day. He seems to be so relaxed and laid back. He hardly ever cries except when he's really hungry and you are not getting the picture or Zach yanks a toy out of his hands. He is easily distracted though and okay with whatever toy you replace it with! A couple of people have asked if we forget about him sometimes. I hate to say we "forget" about him, but he is easy to get sidetracked from...yeah, I've forgotten him sometimes. Not actually left him anywhere, but more like forget to get his food while he's in his highchair b/c Zach has asked for 15 things or I'm making my coffee. He quickly reminds me with some cooing and grunting that he's hungry.
He is super ticklish too. Under his chin and his toes are sure ways to get him to smile and I love it! He is starting to be a little more cautious about smiling at everyone. He definitely gives them the once over before giving them a smile. Still such a joy to have around even when he's crawling straight for the toilet for the 15th time.
Zach has been going to an "adventure" camp at the YMCA. He loves it. He did a craft every day and got to play outside in little pools this week. He made a visor with his name on it and decided we should take a picture of it. He was very proud of his work.

Zach is turning out to be a great big brother. He helps me a lot with Dylan and is always quick to help make Dylan happy by offering toys or playing a game with him. The other day I was picking up Dylan's room so I put him in his crib to keep him in one safe place. I threw a couple of toys in there to keep Dylan occupied and Zach saw what I was doing and threw the rest of the toys in the toybox in and jumped in with him. They were having a blast. Zach of course turned it into a pirate ship and a spaceship and all sorts of adventures while Dylan chewed on everything in sight. Meanwhile I grabbed the camera and took some pics and even managed to get the laundry put away and the trash can emptied. Not bad at all.We have also gotten a chance or two to go to the pool. Dylan is quite the swimmer. He loves the water and loves getting his face wet and splashing all around. Zach is warming up to the water this year and I'm looking forward to swim lessons for him. I think the friendly peer pressure and instructor other than me or Craig will be helpful.Craig and DylanZach enjoying poolside

Video of Craig and Dylan enjoying the pool


Amanda Wells said...

Dylan is a swimmer! I love the video!

Christel said...

LOL! Talk about peer pressure! Loved the post!