Old Newhart reference for those of you playing at home...
I came downstairs from putting Dylan down to bed and Zach was talking up a storm to Craig. Zach then introduces me to his "babies" (all imaginary). "I have 5 babies." In his baby voice which is all high-pitched like every self-respecting woman when she talks to a baby...
Zach - Come on babies, you need to come over here.
Craig - Tell Mommy what their names are Zach.
Zach - This ones Dylan and this one is Dylan and that one is Dylan - they ALL Dylan.
Jill - Well, that's going to be confusing.
Craig - Tell Mommy how old they are Zach.
Zach - They 3...no they all 5.....5 months (Dylan's age)
He proceeded to tell them good job and praise them for picking up their toys. He also gave them time outs and told them, "No" for making such a mess with their toys. I believe the quote was (in a very exasperated tone), "
What I going to do with all these babies?" Hands in the air appropriate for the situation. They ate dinner on a stool in our kitchen while we had dinner and I have to "kiss and hug" them all good night. Luckily a group hug and kiss was acceptable. Craig just came downstairs and declared that he had them - meaning the babies. They were all in bed, but Zach kicked them out and made Craig bring them downstairs while he went to bed. Again, luckily 5 imaginary babies fit in your hand when cupped appropriately.
Before Dylan was born, we had 1 baby that we had to take everywhere. To the pool for swim lessons, in the grocery cart (he would sit in the back so they could sit in the baby seat in the cart)...he has a very vivid imagination. So the baby is back and brought friends...they are completely imaginary and therefore do not take up space. You can also just pick them out of thin air when the need arises. Like, Zach says, "UH OH! I forgot the babies." Always when you are buckling him in the car seat and late for wherever you are going. You can simply say, "NOPE, I've got them right here." All is right with the world. Thank goodness!
Look out Octomom, I'm close on your tail with 7 babies. Even Zach knows that 5 babies is a lot...maybe he should give her a call.